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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
clix MAGIC +oval 11
club ZONE +oval 42
cm CHANDAN +circle & oval 20
cng masters +leaf & oval 37
coffee DELIGHT +oval 30
coffee IN +oval & square 11, 30, 43
cogwheel & oval 6
color EDGE +oval & arcs 7
conch +conch & oval 11
conch flower mace oval 16
conch flower mace & oval 42
control +oval 9
cool & cool ice cream +oval 30
cool 'n' cool +penguin oval 11
cool PRIDE air cooler +oval 11
cop click! +star & oval 16
copper KING +oval 9
copper Y +oval 10
corn & oval 29
corporate +oval 34
corporate LEAGUE +cats oval 41
cow & oval 3, 18, 29
cow milk DWARKA +oval squar 29
cp CAREER POINT +oval 41
cp CHANDAN PRINTS +oval 24
cp-india +lion & oval 31
cpl PASSIUM +oval & heart 9
cpl PASSIUN +oval & heart 11
cpl SYNCHRO +oval 9
cream BELL +oval & bells 29
cream BELL +bells & oval 30
cream BERG ICE cream +oval 30
cream CENTRE premium +oval 29
creative don +oval & hearts 28
creme 21 +oval 3
crescent & oval 7, 12
cross oval & arcs 42
cross oval & sun 16
cross & oval 3, 5, 20, 35, 36, 42
cross arc & oval 35
cross circle & oval 7
crown oval & ribbon 1, 2
crown & oval 30
crown bird & oval 33
crown dragon shield & oval 30
crown shield wreath & oval 30
ct ct-CON +circle & oval 9
cup & oval 5, 34
curry BOX +oval 29
custom +oval 9
cybertech +hand oval square 9
cycle & oval 16
d +oval 20
d +oval & arc 19
d DEVGROUP +arcs & oval 35
d DIANEL +oval & arrow 9
d DICKSON +oval 22, 24
d DIGITON +oval & arcs 9
d DISCOVERY shirts +oval 25
d DORVEN +man & oval 30
d DUROLINE +oval 6
d SINE +oval 9
d d-1 +oval 30
d-gold +oval 9
d.v.d DEKH VIDEO DEKH +oval 41
daawat active +oval 29
dairy TOP +oval 30, 35
dairy den's YUMS +oval 18
darji point +oval 35, 41, 42
darshan aqua +oval 11
dasmesh +oval & arcs 37
dazzle +oval 42
dc DIKSHA +oval 30
dc's KING +king & oval 2
dd gutkha +oval 34
de MODA DELL +oval 24
de's PAPPU +face & oval 16
de-luxe +oval & cogwheel 7
deal ROSHMI +hands & oval 4
decent +oval & square 35
decent plywood +oval 19
deer oval & ribbon 27
deer & oval 3, 19, 24, 37
delhi KING PUNITA +oval arc 30
delhi bazaar +triangle oval 30
oval 41
oval 30, 33
deluxe LINK +lock & oval 34
deluxe VISHNU +oval 34
design DESK +arc & oval 42
designer COOPER +oval 25
oval 9
dev ganga +oval & square 7
dg DARRYL JAMES +oval 25
dg GOPI auto spares +oval 12
oval 35, 42
oval 16
dht DIAMOND +oval 9
diamond arcs & oval 37
diamond temple & oval 30
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